Friday, February 20, 2015

Investment treaty cases -grouped thematically

Subject area

Annulment, correction and revision of awards


Challenges to arbitrators, counsel and experts

Claims manifestly without legal merit

Class actions



Defence of necessity

Effective means of asserting claim

Energy Charter Treaty

EU issues


Fair and equitable treatment



Interim measures

Meaning of investment

Meaning of investor

Most Favoured Nation (MFN)


Nationality requirement


Transparency and amicus curiae

Treaty interpretation

Umbrella clause


Friday, January 30, 2015

Arbitration Institutions in Central and Western Europe

Albanian Commercial Mediation and Arbitration Center - Tirana, Albania
Alternative Dispute Resolution Center - Rome, Italy
Alternative Dispute Resolution Chambers UK - London, England
Alternative Dispute Resolution Services (ADRS) - Newcastle, England
Amsterdam ADR Institute - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Arab Association for International Arbitration (AAIA) - Paris, France
Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Institute of the Oslo Chamber of Commerce - Oslo, Norway
Arbitration and Mediation Centre of Paris (CMAP) - Paris, France
Arbitration and Mediation Tribunal of the Balearic Islands (TAMIB) - Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Arbitration Centre of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Geneva - Geneva, Switzerland
Arbitration Court at the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic - Prague, Czech Republic
Arbitration Court of the Chamber of Commerce (HK) - Hamburg, Germany
Arbitration Court of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACECCI) - Tallinn, Estonia
Arbitration Court of the Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Bratislava, Slovakia
Arbitration Institute of the Central Chamber of Commerce of Finland - Helsinki, Finland
Arbitration Court of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) - Riga, Latvia
Arbitration Service of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Nicosia, Cyprus
Association for International Arbitration (AIA) - Brussels, Belgium
Association Française d’Arbitrage (AFA) – Paris, France
Belgian Centre for Arbitration and Mediation (CEPANI-CEPINA) - Brussels, Belgium
Board of Arbitration of the Central Chamber of Commerce of Finland - Helsinki, Finland
Center for Arbitration and Mediation (CVM) - Munich, Germany
Centre Européen d’Arbitrage (European Centre of Arbitration)(CEA) - Strasbourg, France
Centre for Commercial Arbitration of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry - London, England
Centre for International Mediation and Arbitration (CIMA) - Paris, France
Chamber of National and International Arbitration Milan (Camera Arbitrale Milano)(CAM) - Milan, Italy
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) - London, England
Chinese European Arbitration Centre (CEAC) - Hamburg, Germany
City Disputes Panel (CDP) - London, England
Commercial Arbitration Court – Iceland Chamber of Commerce - Reykjavík, Iceland
Court of Arbitration at the Zurich Chamber of Commerce - Zurich, Switzerland
Court of Arbitration Attached to the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Budapest, Hungary
Court of Arbitration of the Polish Chamber of Commerce (Sąd Arbitrażowyprzy KrajowejIzbie Gospodarczej)(SAKIG) - Warsaw, Poland
Court of Arbitration for Sport - Lausanne, Switzerland
Court of International Commercial Arbitration Attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CICA) - Bucharest Romania
Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution - Copenhagen, Denmark
Danish Institute of Arbitration - Copenhagen, Denmark
Dublin International Arbitration Centre - Dublin, Ireland
Energy Arbitration Court (EAVB) - Budapest, Hungary
Eurochambres – Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry - Brussels, Belgium
European Centre for Financial Dispute Resolution (EUROARBITRATION) - Paris, France
Foreign Trade Court of Arbitration at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce - Belgrade, Serbia
Frankfurt International Arbitration Centre (FIAC) - Frankfurt, Germany
Galician Association of Arbitration and Mediation (ASGAME) - Coruña, Spain
German Institution of Arbitration (DIS) - Köln, Munich, Berlin, Germany
Greek Chamber of Commerce (ACCI) - Athens, Greece
Hellenic Mediation and Arbitration Centre - Athens, Greece
Institute for the Study and Promotion of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (ISDACI) - Milan, Italy
Insurance and Reinsurance Arbitration Society (ARIAS) - London, England
International Arbitration – Venice Chamber of National and International Arbitration - Venice, Italy
International Arbitration Chamber of Paris - Paris, France
International Arbitration Institute (IAI) - Paris, France
Italian Association for Arbitration - Rome, Italy
Law Society of Ireland Arbitration Committee - Dublin, Ireland
Malta Arbitration Centre - Valletta, Malta
Maritime Arbitral Chamber of Paris - Paris, France
Muslim Arbitration Tribunal (MAT) - London, England
National Institute for Conciliation and Arbitration (NIPA) - Sofia, Bulgaria
Netherlands Arbitration Institute (NAI) - Rotterdam, Netherlands
Permanent Arbitration Court at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce - Zagreb, Croatia
Permanent Court of Arbitration Attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia - Ljubljana, Slovenia
Riga International Arbitration Court - Riga, Latvia
Scottish Arbitration Centre (SAC) - Edinburgh, Scotland
Spanish Court of Arbitration - Madrid, Spain
Spanish Society of Arbitration (SEA) - Madrid, Spain
Stockholm Arbitration and Litigation Center (SALC) - Stockholm, Sweden
Tribunal Arbitrajo del ICAV (TAV) - Valencia, Spain
Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC) - Vienna, Austria
Vilnius Court of Commercial Arbitration (VCCA) - Vilnius, Lithuania
World Intellectual Property Organisation Arbitration and Mediation Centre (WIPO) - Geneva, Switzerland


Arbitration Institutions in Eastern Europe

Azerbaijan Arbitration and Mediation Centre - Baku, Azerbaijan
International Arbitration Court of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Minsk, Belarus
International Arbitration Court of the Juridical Centre (IUS) - Almaty, Kazakhstan
International Commercial Arbitration Court (ICAC) at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation - Moscow, Russia
International Commercial Arbitration Court at the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Moscow, Russia
International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Kiev, Ukraine
International Commercial Arbitration Court of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova - Chisinau, Moldova
International Court of Arbitration in Affiliation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic - Kyrgyz Republic
Maritime Arbitration Commission at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Kiev, Ukraine
Permanent Court of Arbitration Dispute Resolution Centre (DRC) - Tbilisi, Georgia
Permanently Acting Arbitration Court at Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Armenia (ACCCIRA) - Yerevan, Armenia
Public Organization for the Development of Third Party Arbitration and Legal Support Centres (ARBITRAZH) - Dushanbe, Tajikistan
St. Petersburg International Arbitration Court (SPICAC) - St. Petersburg, Russia
Tbilisi Arbitration Chamber (TAC) - Tbilisi, Georgia


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Arbitration under UNCITRAL and under institutional rules: principal differences

  • UNCITRAL Rules do not specify the possibility of consolidation
  • UNCITRAL Rules do not specify the possibility of expedited proceedings
  • UNCITRAL Rules do not provide for the  emergency arbitrator
  • UNCITRAL Rules do not do not provide the Terms of Reference
  • UNCITRAL Rules do not specify time to make award
  • Unlike other institutions, no mandatory appointing authority and the parties may choose. In default – PCA designates
  • In UNCITRAL arbitration the procedure is defined by tribunal, while some institutional rules allow the parties to define the procedures
  • In UNCITRAL arbitration the number of arbitrators is three, unless parties agree otherwise (in most institutional rules – one, unless case warrants three)
  • Unless agreed by the parties, in UNCITRAL arbitration the tribunal decides on the seat of arbitration (under the most institutional rules  – the institution will decide)
  • In principle, the costs of the arbitration under the UNCITRAL Rules are to be borne by the unsuccessful party but are subject to the tribunal’s discretion. Under the Most institutional rules the – the tribunal apportions.
  • Although the fees in institutional arbitrations are often more expensive than in UNCITRAL arbitrations, the latter are generally less predictable.